Our core values

A family owned business managed by our core values and principles

Blystad Group interior photo two people working on computers at desks by photographer Einar Aslaksen
​The Blystad Group

Company structure

Looking forward

Our Shared future

“Ever since the Group was involved in the textile industry in the early 1900s, we have managed to adapt to the changing circumstances surrounding us.


The Blystad Group today is a testament of creating value through longevity by embracing ingenuity.


Embracing ingenuity is about being willing to take the next step when others dare not. As a result, the Blystad Group is today a Nordic powerhouse with a global presence.


Longevity, on the other hand, is defined not by what happened in history, but by what happens next. Guided by our experience, we shape our future course together with our partners, colleagues and investment projects. All based on the same set of sound Norwegian family values with the local and global scene as our operating landscape.


We create value off our core values, combining industrial expertise with capital markets. We make every effort to be dynamic by cultivating opportunities, and solid by obtaining your trust as a partner.


Going into the next decade, we will continue our strive to be your trusted partner, colleague and teammate. Longevity will be created by our shared future.”


Fredrik Platou – CEO

Our reports

ESG Report 2023

Transparency act report


Fredrik Platou 3 by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Board of Directors

Marianne H. Blystad

Marianne H. Blystad

Arne Blystad by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Arne Blystad

Our team


Arne Blystad by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Arne Blystad


Fredrik Platou by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Fredrik Platou


Geir Nedrelo by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Geir Nedrelo


Andreas Tronstad by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Andreas Tronstad

Head of Real Estate

Agnes Marie Blystad Sulejewski by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Agnes Marie Blystad Sulejewski

Head of Legal

Sidsel Sørlie

Sidsel Sørlie

Group Finance Manager

Per Kristian Aamlid by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Per Kristian Aamlid

Investment Manager


Jacob Ziesler

Jacob Ziesler

Investment Director


James Buck by photographer Einar Aslaksen.

James Buck

Investment Director


Felix Fürst by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Felix Fürst

Investment Manager

Nina Rathsack Bakke by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Nina R. Bakke

Project Manager


Markus Tryggvason Lanesskog by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Markus Tryggvason Lanesskog

Investment Analyst


Arve Aslaksen by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Arve Aslaksen

Project Manager

Real Estate

Hans Petter Gjerde by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Hans Petter Gjerde

Asset Manager

Real Estate

Leif Arne Iversen

Leif Arne Iversen

Head of Group Reporting


Ingrid Hæreid

Ingrid Hæreid

Head of Group Controlling


John Murray by photographer Einar Aslaksen

John Murray

Group Controller and Head of IT


Johannes K. Bruland

Johannes K. Bruland

Group Controller


Cecilie Reksten

Cecilie Reksten

Group Controller


Dina Dæhli

Dina Dæhli

Group Controller


May Storaune by photographer Einar Aslaksen

May Storaune

Senior Accounts Officer


Wenche by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Wenche Kristin Horten

Senior Accounts Officer


Edyta Sala by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Edyta Sala

Senior Accounts Officer


Nina Brandt Henriksen by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Nina Brandt Henriksen

Personal Assistant

Even Torgersen by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Even Torgersen

Operations Support

Åsa by photographer Einar Aslaksen

Åsa Victoria Roverudseter

Office & Administration

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